Thursday 28 January 2010

David Mundell; MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale does not listen to voters.

Late in 2009 I received a letter from David Mundell, my local MSP. It was more of a survey, really. Now, he's a Conservative MP and - not wanting to go too much into my political leanings - I refuse to vote for the Tories. I don't agree with a lot of what they say and I feel that they just jump on the wagon of public opinion. Let's put it thins way; I don't think they'll do a better than the current Labour government.

I didn't fill the survey in. However, in the Any Other Business box-thing on the form I wrote something along the lines of Stop writing to me, I have no intention of voting Conservative so you really are wasting paper on me. That wasn't the exact wording, but it was pretty much along those lines. I felt it was polite yet strong. For weeks I thought it had worked. Until the post arrived this morning.

The from letter Mr. Mundell read:

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my recent survey and for letting me have the issues raised in it. As your Member of Parliament I believe it is vital that I keep closely in touch with the views of local people so that I can represent to the best of my ability the interests of our area and your help is much appreciated.

What can I gather from this? If he had read it he should have known I was a lost cause and scraped me from his list. He either read it and ignored it or this was just a letter sent to everyone that sent the survey back. If he had read it (or indeed a member of his staff had read it) then someone would have noticed that I didn't actually fill the survey out. Now, what does this say about him as a politician? I can only assume that he either doesn't listen or doesn't care about his voters. He/his staff ignored my request for them to stop sending me letters. I understand that what with an election coming up he wants to keep voters on side, but he won't get my support by not doing the one thing that I have ever asked of a politician, and it was a pretty simple thing at that. Reading the letter carefully it could be interpreted as a reason for his ongoing correspondence. Which is fair enough, but it does suggest that he's read it and he's chosen to ignore it.

I could email him, his email address is at the bottom of the letter, but really what's the point? I'll just get an automated response back. I'm also reluctant to give him my email address, who knows what world of pain I'd be entering into.

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